
Make your school operations hassle-free and paperless. Take a quick tour of our smart school management solution.

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  • Seamless Communication with In-App Chat

    This feature makes communication among different stakeholders easy and effective. It is equipped with an automatic alert system so that schools can conveniently send text messages, emails and notifications about school closing, reminders and emergency messages, saving them both time and money. The in-app chat feature allows easy communication between the staff members as well as between parents and teachers.

  • End-to-End Front Office Management

    Be it staff calendar, security validation via OTP, biometric identity tag generation or generating pickup pass for a child, NextOS streamlines front-office operations and ensures thorough visitor management.

  • Efficient Inventory Management

    Inventory module simplifies the workflow by helping school administrators to keep a track of all stationery, sports supplies and more. With this module, the whole process of purchase, sale, issue etc. becomes streamlined and schools get a fair understanding of the amount of stock and the transactions properly. Also, it helps in accelerating the process of issuing transfer certificates and other important letters to staff and students.

  • Advanced Library Management

    The module ensures a quick issue and return policy with the help of a smart barcode reader and helps librarians and students to search for the desired book and reserve it if needed. This automatic process keeps the whole procedure free from manual errors. Also, the library module provides a customised membership policy that enables staff and students to avail different memberships as per their individual requirements.

  • Simplified Payroll

    This feature offers a smart payroll module that saves time for the school administration by automating calculations and reducing paperwork. It helps school administration in managing the salaries of all staff members, their applicable allowances or deductions parallelly. The solution keeps track of fee payment, salary increments and provides real-time financial information.

  • Instant Transport Tracking

    This module offers a government-compliant student security transport management system. It is integrated with a GPS tracker, helping parents and school management with real-time information about students’ journey along with driver details and numerous statistics pertaining to different stops, speed of the particular vehicle, etc. This facility helps parents to stay free from tension even if their children are travelling.

  • Hassle-free Admissions Process

    The admission module is designed to help schools manage their end to end admission process with ease. From form filling, online prospectus, student application screening process to admissions and fee collection, NextOS digitises all processes and streamlines the admission process. This helps schools to set up an entirely paperless admission process.

  • Organised Leave Management

    Leave module simplifies and expedites the leave applications and approval process. With the help of this module, each school can have a unique leave policy which can be customised based on department, role and other parameters.

  • Comprehensive Student Profile

    This module helps schools simplify their student data management. A consolidated report of each student’s profile containing student’s personal and academic reports, assessment reports, school leaving certificates, mark sheets etc. are safely stored in the Amazon AWS cloud server and are available with just a click of a button.

  • Transparent Staff Management

    This module helps schools simplify their staff data management. By creating staff ID cards and maintaining a detailed staff database- personal information, education background, previous employment history etc., the NextOS solution helps to maintain transparency in the HR process. It provides a role-based dashboard to the school stakeholders that enables them to visit different links as per their requirements.

  • Advance Fee Management & Online Payment

    Fee management gets simplified with a secure payment gateway and all the transaction details can be easily viewed. It keeps parents informed about the fee payment through reminders and helps them to pay the fee online and get instant fee receipts via email and app. It ensures high-quality user experience through easy-to-use functionalities, tracking mechanism and help options.

  • Streamlined Examination and Report Generation

    Any type of examination structure, including the number of terms and assessments for each class, can be easily designed using the NextOS. The solution helps schools create their personalised report cards for each student. To keep the parents aware of their ward's academic performances, notifications are sent on a regular basis.

  • Real-time Attendance Management

    This module is tailored with an automatic face recognition system, RFID readers and a biometric system that registers the attendance of teachers, school officials and students. Furthermore, the module facilitates period-wise attendance that records attendance multiple times in a day.